
Opinions That Matter

Speaking of opinions

Everyone in the world now has the ability to express themselves in long form on matters of importance to them and be heard, right here on this website. Opinions that are humorous, witty, rhetorical, maybe even a little elitist, home spun, poignant, clever, intelligent or of any other nature are welcomed here because everyone's opinion matters.

Of course there are some opinions that won't float. Nothing demeaning, insulting, racist, harmful, hateful, criminal, or otherwise deemed to be toxic will be tolerated. Self-expression is a right but expressing it here is a privilege that can be revoked.

The site is moderated but the community will play a part in keeping matters in-bounds in accordance with hearty agreement, respectful disagreement, or anything in-between, with the ability to comment for 30 days on any article posted here, and/or Report Abuse. You can post an article of your own on the same subject to express your different opinion while abiding by the Terms Of Use. Or you can do both, post your own article and comment on the articles of others.

There is no 140 character limit, you may use as high of a word count as you feel is necessary to express yourself. If you choose to write here you will only be limited by your own intelligence, character, thoughtfulness, sense of humor which will be on full display in long form. The depth of your thoughts and vocabulary will be your only limitation, along with the propriety of your content as deemed by the moderator(s) and the community through comments on your article if posted.

If You Want To Contribute

To post your opinions here just Register for a FREE account.  Your name (or a name you want to use), username (you choose it), and valid email address are necessary for registration. When you submit your registration using a valid email address your password will be emailed to you using that valid email address. Then you can use the assigned password to return to this site and Login.

Attention spans are shorter these days so you as a contributor may not want to make a lengthy article post. You may build up as large of a catalog of your opinions as you choose so if you have a lengthy or evolving opinion you can make multiple posts on any or all of the current categories, and make suggestions for new categories for the site.

This is a site where people with big opinions can share with the world, and where everyone else can share their individual humble opinions to make this a website extraordinaire.

Take your time to look around and explore the site. Contribute to its value as often as you like.

Please, by all means, have fun!

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